Map Your Character Arc

Explore your character arc to be a conscious leader.

As a leader, your journey adventure is akin to that of a character in a story, marked by challenges, growth, setbacks, and triumphs. This workshop or coaching series is designed to help you map out your leadership growth potential, much like a writer would map out a character arc in a novel or screenplay.

Led by a novel writer, this fun, insightful way of understanding who you are, who you want to be, and what’s getting in your way, is a refreshing take on leadership (and personal) development. By reflecting on your past experiences, current challenges, and future aspirations, you’ll gain insights into your leadership narrative and identify opportunities for growth and development. Propelling your story forward. 

You’ll explore the importance of supporting characters, spotlight your communication barriers, and remove obstacles currently in the way of you showing up as the leader (and human) you want to be. 

Sounds like fun? Let’s connect and see if this experience is right for you.